Source code for pdb_eda.pdbParser

PDB Parser (pdb_eda.pdbParser)

This module provides methods to read and parse the PDB format files and returns PDB objects.
Format details of PDB can be found in
import re
import numpy as np

[docs]def readPDBfile(file): """Creates :class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBentry` object from file name. :param file: The name of a PDB formated file or a file handle. :type file: :py:class:`str`, :class:`io.IOBase` """ if isinstance(file,str): with open(file, "r") as fileHandle: return parse(fileHandle) else: return parse(file)
[docs]def parse(handle, mode='lite'): """Creates :class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBentry` object from file handle object. :param handle: The file handle of a PDB formatted file. :type handle: :class:`io.IOBase` :param mode: Whether of not to parse all the atoms. 'lite' means do not to parse., defaults to 'lite' :type mode: :py:class:`str` :return: pdbEntry :rtype: :class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBentry` """ atoms = [] rotationMats = [] modelCount = 0 pdbid = date = method = resolution = rValue = rFree = program = spaceGroup = 0 for record in handle.readlines(): if mode == 'lite' and record.startswith('ATOM'): break elif record.startswith('HEADER'): date = record[57: 57+2].strip() pdbid = record[62: 62+4].strip() elif record.startswith('EXPDTA'): method = record[6: 6+30] method = method.strip().replace(' ', '_') elif record.startswith('REMARK 2 RESOLUTION'): match ='RESOLUTION.(.+)ANGSTROMS', record) if match: resolution = elif record.startswith('REMARK 3 R VALUE'): match ='^REMARK 3 R VALUE \(WORKING SET\) : (.+)$', record) if match: rValue = elif record.startswith('REMARK 3 FREE R VALUE'): match ='^REMARK 3 FREE R VALUE : (.+)$', record) if match: rFree = elif record.startswith('REMARK 3 PROGRAM'): match ='^REMARK 3 PROGRAM : (.+)$', record) if match: program =' ', '_') elif record.startswith('MODEL'): modelCount += 1 if modelCount > 1: break elif record.startswith('REMARK 290 SYMMETRY OPERATORS FOR SPACE GROUP:'): match ='^REMARK 290 SYMMETRY OPERATORS FOR SPACE GROUP: (.+)$', record) if match: spaceGroup =' ', '_') elif record.startswith('REMARK 290 SMTRY'): match ='^REMARK 290 SMTRY(.+)$', record) if match: items = if len(rotationMats) < int(items[1]): rotationMats.append(np.zeros((3, 4))) rotationMats[int(items[1])-1][int(items[0])-1] = [float(i) for i in items[2:6]] elif record.startswith('ATOM') or record.startswith('HETATM'): keyValues = {'record': record, 'recordType': record[0: 0+6], 'serial': record[6: 6+5], 'atomName': record[12: 12+4], 'alternateLocation': record[16: 16+1], 'residueName': record[17: 17+3], 'chainID': record[21: 21+1], 'residueNumber': record[22: 22+4], 'x': record[30: 30+8], 'y': record[38: 38+8], 'z': record[46: 46+8], 'occupancy': record[54: 54+6], 'bFactor': record[60: 60+6], 'element': record[76: 76+2]} keyValues = {key: value.strip() for (key, value) in keyValues.items()} atoms.append(Atom(keyValues)) header = PDBheader(pdbid, date, method, resolution, rValue, rFree, program, spaceGroup, rotationMats) return PDBentry(header, atoms)
[docs]class PDBentry: """:class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBentry` class that stores the :class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBheader` and/or :class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.Atom` class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, header, atoms): """:class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBentry` initializer. :param header: :type header: :class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBheader` :param atoms: list of :class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.Atom` objects :type atoms: :py:class:`list` """ self.header = header self.atoms = atoms
[docs]class PDBheader: """:class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBheader` that stores information about PDB header."""
[docs] def __init__(self, PDBid, date, method, resolution, rValue, rFree, program, spaceGroup, rotationMats): """:class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.PDBheader` initializer. :param PDBid: PDB entry ID. :type PDBid: :py:class:`str` :param date: PDB structure publish date. :type date: :py:class:`str` :param method: Experiment method, i.e. X-ray, NMR, etc. :type method: :py:class:`str` :param resolution: Structure resolution if applicable. :type resolution: :py:class:`float` :param rValue: Structure's R value. :type rValue: :py:class:`float` :param rFree: Structure's R free value. :type rFree: :py:class:`float` :param program: Software for acquiring the structure. :type program: :py:class:`str` :param spaceGroup: Structure's space group if applicable. :type spaceGroup: :py:class:`str` :param rotationMats: Structure's rotation matrix and translation matrix if applicable. :type rotationMats: :py:class:`list` """ self.pdbid = PDBid = date self.method = method self.resolution = resolution self.rValue = rValue self.rFree = rFree self.program = program self.spaceGroup = spaceGroup self.rotationMats = rotationMats
[docs]class Atom: """:class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.Atom` that stores information about PDB atoms."""
[docs] def __init__(self, keyValues): """:class:`pdb_eda.pdbParser.Atom` initializer. :param keyValues: key-value pairs for atom information. :type keyValues: :py:class:`dict` """ self.record = keyValues['record'] self.recordType = keyValues['recordType'] self.serial = keyValues['serial'] self.atomName = keyValues['atomName'] self.alternateLocation = keyValues['alternateLocation'] self.residueName = keyValues['residueName'] self.chainID = keyValues['chainID'] self.residueNumber = keyValues['residueNumber'] self.x = keyValues['x'] self.y = keyValues['y'] self.z = keyValues['z'] self.occupancy = keyValues['occupancy'] self.bFactor = keyValues['bFactor'] self.element = keyValues['element']